
"Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire."

Whoever said this, they captured the difference between the mechanics of acquiring knowledge, and the spirit of lifelong learning.

This website will explore new avenues in education, especially how global injustice and new technology are fuelling innovation.

The innovations I will give most space to will be those that recognise that the purpose of education is to illumine and give expression to our humanity.

The name of the site is intended to conjure up images of the brain's neural pathways, as well as the fiber optic cables ferrying information in this digital age. In this way, I hope to show that technology need not be dehumanising - as long as it serves the human spirit and planetary wellbeing.

I will also explore topics related to education - creativity, leadership, democracy, and pathways to service. This blog is an evolving experiment, so I appreciate all your comments and thoughts.

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